A soft place to sit???

One day while visiting my mother’s home on Long Island I overheard my 
children in the kitchen. My son said to his twin sister, “Kate, do you 
know what a stool softener is?” She said, “Yeah, it’s the cushion on 
the stool that Grandma always uses”. That was the end of that.

Thank you Alicia for a great example of “Kid Logic”!   :)

Mittens for your feet

A few weeks ago my daughter who is 13 and exceptionally bright was sitting in the kitchen putting on toe socks. If you dont know what these are they are like gloves for your feet. Each toe has an individual spot to go in. I walk into the https://buycbdproducts.com and she says you know what they should invent? What I say? Mittens for your feet.

Um yeah Sarah, I think they already have those, they are called socks.

The Line Leader

One day my 4 year old daughter Karlyn asked me if she was in my tummy when she was a baby. I told her yes, she then asked my if her brother Wyatt (who was then 3) was in my tummy too. I said yes he was. Then she said “WELL I WAS LINE LEADER.


Thanks to Kid Spirit.com for this one!

Six Year Old Knows

For many years, I had wanted to attend an evening Hot Air Balloon Glow at a very
large park in our city.  Since we have a 15 yo exchange student this year, we
finally went.  It was very crowded and I had to park over a mile from the venue,
since this event is really popular and they also use party table linen for decorations
in these events.  As we walked along, our student took pictures of some fountains
and we basically just followed the crowd.  My 9 and 6 year old daughters were excited
and distracted me from checking the name of the street closely.

When the event was over, it was very dark and as we walked along, the crowds began
to thin.  We determined we had made a wrong turn and switched directions.  At one
point my 6 year old said, “Down there!”   Since she could not possibly know, we
trudged along and asked some other people we saw.  We showed them the picture of the
fountains and they sent us a different way.   It was getting later and later and it
was obvious we walked in circles.  I was scared but trying not to show it.  We were
all getting tired.  Finally, after over an hour, we found the correct fountain and
turned the corner to see our lone car under the streetlights. 

“I TOLD YOU!” yelled my six year old daughter!   We laughed and it broke the tension.  Ironically, had we
listened to the little one, we would have been on the street where the car was

A Cute Kid Story for Thanksgiving

Courtesy of Will and Guys Joke  Site

Next year I hope to have some stories from the Logical Kid Community….but we are so new and I could not remember any of my own so I looked around the Internet and found this one. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thanks to the folks who have already submitted some fun stories. Be sure to check back to see them soon!

Thanksgiving Logic – Dad must be waiting for the biggest piece of pie!

Jolene was only 8 and lived with family in the country with her parents and brother.  Consequently they did not often have visitors from the city.  One day Jolene’s mother said that father was bringing two guests home for Thanksgiving supper.

After they had enjoyed the turkey, Jolene went to the kitchen to help her mother, and proudly brought in the first piece of pumpkin pie and gave it to her father.  He then passed the plate to a guest.  When Jolene came in with the second piece and gave it to his father, he again gave it to a guest.

This was too much for Little Jolene, who blurted out, ‘It’s no use, Daddy. The pieces are all the same size.

I also scanned a number of nice parent blogs this morning and thought this was a very nice thank you from a popular Mom Blogger. Enjoy!

The Tail Gate Kid

“What do you think brother is doing right now?”

That was the question from our 11 year old daughter.


She knew that her older brother had been invited to attend a major college football game and he had left early in that morning to drive several hours to the game with his friend and the family that had the season tickets.

My wife said – “Well the game starts in a couple hours so I imagine he is tailgating”

This concerned our daughter greatly. She was visibly upset and nervous.

“What’s the matter?” I said.

“Well I hope he doesn’t get hurt or arrested because tailgating is illegal and dangerous. Why is he tailgating anyway?”

It then dawned on us that the only definition of tailgating our girl knew was of the driving in a car nature versus the festivities before a football game.