A soft place to sit???

One day while visiting my mother’s home on Long Island I overheard my 
children in the kitchen. My son said to his twin sister, “Kate, do you 
know what a stool softener is?” She said, “Yeah, it’s the cushion on 
the stool that Grandma always uses”. That was the end of that.

Thank you Alicia for a great example of “Kid Logic”!   :)

Potty Training – at The Home Depot!

Years ago when my son who is now 21 was being potty trained, I took him to a store called Courtesy Home Buiders. This was a store like Home Depot. He must have been 2-3 years of age. He was very good in the training stage but had this unique pose for doing number one. He would lift the toilet seat and use his left hand to hold the seat and lean against it. I mention this because you need to visualize this to get a better appreciation of the story. Well at the store we were getting things for a home project and Courtesy had unique toilet display. The toilets formed a circle with different layers forming a pyramid effect. Twenty toilets at the base and one single toilet at the top. Imagine the display towered about 15 feet high. Well, guess who climbed the display and stood at the top toilet for all to see and he proceeded to use the toilet. He was very proud of being successful. The store manager was not so pleased and I could never properly explain to my son why there was no water in the toilet to flush. Oh and I never did ask him why he chose the top toilet either.